Brain Studio helps you learn to solve the Rubik’s cube with many of our courses, starting from the basics up to Speedcubing and Blindfold cubing. Here are our students and parents talking about it.


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The Most Difficult Puzzle In The World!

Learn to solve it with our International standard Rubik's cube courses.

2x2x2 cube





Clock Cube


Gear 3x3x3


Petal Pyraminx

Petal Pyra

Ghost Cube

Ghost cube

Dino cube

Dino Cube

Container cube


3x3x3 Rubik's cube


6x6x6 cube




2x2 Mirror

Mirror 2x2x2




Fisher Cube

Fisher cube

Siamese cube

Siamese cube

Cylinder Cube


Maple Leaf

4x4x4 cube


7x7x7 cube




2x2 Gear cube

Gear 2x2x2

3x3x3 Mirror cube

Mirror 3x3x3






Floppy cube

Penrose cube


Rubik's Cube Course Detail

Solving the Rubik’s cube is nothing but moving the pieces to their correct spots. But there’s more that happens in our minds than what we see. Unlike Chess, where two players do a lot of thinking and then make one move each, a speedcuber has to make quick twists and turns while thinking of the next few moves.


This requires a combination of speed in terms of mental ability and physical movements of the fingers. It was not easy for the world record holder to solve the cube in 3.47 seconds, but it wasn’t impossible, either.


In Brain Studio’s Rubik’s Cube Courses, we guide you through the very basics of cubing until you can solve it very quickly. We have designed the program to be student-centric and proceed at your pace and at the end learn to solve the Rubik’s cube successfully.


A sharper brain’s benefits stem from the substantial hand-eye coordination and intuition required to solve this puzzle, paving the way to improve your memory and boost your self-confidence.


While the mind is racing through several alternative moves, the eyes and hands are put to their optimum use in perfect union.

Thus, boredom passes, and the learning system evolves through the perfect combination of various human reflexes with an increased attention span.


As time has progressed, puzzles more complicated than the original 3x3x3 have surfaced, increasing in complexity multifold, making it harder to solve.


But with the right knowledge, you can solve any cube. That is the level of training we provide in Brain Studio’s Rubik’s cube course. After, you can participate in speedcubing competitions to test your skills

Join the Rubik’s Cube Course at ₹3,950/- per month

Start your FREE Trial Session Now!

Rubik's Cube Competitions

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Is there mathematics in a Rubik’s Cube?

Mathematically the Rubik’s Cube is a permutation group. It has 6 different colors and each color is repeated exactly 9 times, so the cube can be considered as an ordered list which has 54 elements with numbers between 1 and 6, each number meaning a color being repeated 9 times.We can rotate the 6 faces of the cube so we can define 6 basic operations or permutations which rearrange the ordered list in a certain way. Repeating and combining these permutations we can define new permutations, which rearrange the list in an other way

Is the Rubik’s Cube good for you?

The Rubik’s cube has a lot of direct and indirect benefits. Some of them are that it will help you improve your cognitive and problem-solving abilities as well as your memory. It will also teach you many life lessons like patience, perseverance and focus in the process. These benefits are what you will notice when you solve the cube not just once but many times, every single day.

How does the Rubik’s Cube work ?

The Rubik’s Cube is a 3-D combination puzzle invented in 1974 by Hungarian sculptor and professor of architecture Ernő Rubik. According to the inventor himself, “There are axises, to turn the axises you turn the faces, it contains 27 different pieces. What you can see is only 26, because there is one in the middle”.


Why is the Rubik’s Cube so popular?

The reason the Rubik’s cube became so popular was because of its incredibly simplistic design, combined with its extreme difficulty. With over 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 different possible positions on the puzzle, it added to the challenge of solving it.It has therefore become a puzzle that is both admirable as well as irritable when people think about it.

What age is Rubik’s Cube good for?

The Rubik’s Cube is not age restricted. Any person who is between 5 to 99 can solve the cube and benefit from it.

Does solving a Rubik’s Cube increase IQ?

No.There is no concrete evidence to support the claim that solving a Rubik’s Cube increase the Intelligence Quotient of a person. Although a correlation can be seen with people who know how to solve the cube and people with high IQ, there is no proof that solving it will increase IQ.

What is the benefit of solving the Rubik’s Cube?

There are many advantages to solving the Rubik’s cube that will indirectly help your brain become sharper. For one, it betters your eye-hand coordination. It improves your concentration in general and ensures that you can process your thoughts faster. It makes you more patient and a better problem solver. It also improves your finger dexterity and agility.

Is it hard to solve a Rubiks Cube?

It’s not you – solving a Rubik’s cube quickly is officially hard. A recent study shows that the question of whether a scrambled Rubik’s cube of any size can be solved in a given number of moves is called “NP-complete: That’s maths lingo for a problem even mathematicians find hard to solve. But under the right guidance and training, anyone can learn to solve the cube.

How many algorithms are there to solve a Rubik’s Cube ?

The number of algorithms vary based on the methods used but one method exists which has a total of 537 different algorithms to remember. Although it is only used by speed cubers, they use a combination of different methods so they do not have to remember all the different algorithms. However, there are a small group of people who have learnt all of them.
